Holistic Performance Lab

Transform individual, team and business performance through a balanced approach to mental, physical and professional excellence.

Strategic wellbeing initiatives aren’t an HR endeavour, they’re a fundamental business imperative.

Make you and your people better, smarter, stronger.

Keeping teams and leaders vital, engaged and working optimally is paramount to sustaining peak business performance. Yet the prevailing view of wellbeing places it below pure performance in terms of value. This approach is flawed. Recognising that high leverage wellbeing strategies can drive peak performance is a transformative mindset shift.

HP Lab helps unlock business success

through the symbiosis of wellbeing and performance, making it a strategic priority that delivers unparalleled productivity, innovation and success.

Reframe your business culture

Cultivate confidence and sustain self-belief in an ever-changing business landscape. New technologies like generative AI are reshaping how we work, and although they open up a world of possibility, they also have the potential to create an uncertain future that can lead to decreasing employee engagement, inspiration and motivation.

Through our better, smarter, stronger approach, HP Lab builds beliefs and empowers teams at the highest levels. Intrinsic motivation, purpose, mastery and autonomy inspire employee engagement and build business leaders now and in the future.

  • Lead in times of change with increased emotional intelligence and performance coaching skills

  • Build high performing teams empowered with the skills and confidence to collaborate and achieve ambitious goals

  • Create a collaborative culture aligned around your vision, values, key initiatives and winning behaviours
  • Develop an agile growth mindset and master emotional intelligence (aka the EQ factor)
  • Build psychological safety within teams and learn how to grow a feedback culture
  • Ensure employee wellbeing and mental fitness to enhance business performance

A three-pronged approach

HP Lab is the engine that drives Jim Steele’s better, smarter, stronger approach to leadership development. Its deep resources offer huge scope that allow him to adapt and tailor his speeches and masterclasses to meet your organisation’s specific business objectives. It is a catalyst for a balanced approach to mental, physical and professional excellence.

Jim works collaboratively with you to understand and facilitate your vision. While his approach is provocative – maverick, even – it’s also high impact.


Tap into your potential.

The technique of interconnecting wellbeing and performance.

Crack the code to gain access to some remarkable resources that enable you to adapt to your surroundings and develop your ability to respond agilely to challenges and opportunities. Tap into a pragmatic, science-based, step-by-step process for developing a growth mindset and unlocking human potential.


Tap into your optimum mindset.

The science of fusing wellbeing and performance.

Structure your thinking to increase confidence and mental focus. Tap into that super productive state of mind where you feel and perform at your best. Work smarter not harder.

Set a specific hierarchy of goals, align your overall direction of travel – your mission critical – right down to the daily focus goals that turn vision into reality. Uncover performance hacks that increase drive, concentration and intrinsic motivation.


Tap into your physiology.

The power of wellbeing to improve performance.

Better understand your extraordinary physical capabilities to build mental and physical resilience. Discover how to develop successful habits so you can push yourself to the edge of your abilities and recover efficiently.

Tap into science-based tools and techniques that optimise your energy management so you can excel during extended bouts of exertion, both mental and physical. Raise your threshold for stress to lean into hard tasks and circumstances with a sense of strength and determination.

“The Unashamedly Superhuman session was one of the most highly-charged events I have ever seen at any corporate event. For four hours Jim held our team spellbound. The ideas we discussed that day about high performance, mindset and belief now resonate deep within our team vocabulary.”

— Global Head of Sales, Third Bridge

“Love working with you Jim Steele, a dream professional speaker that always delivers! #ThePostMan”

— Steve Lindsay, National Sales Conference

“Jim completely changed the mindset of every one of our 250 attendees, instilling confidence and positivity. I have never seen a group of that size remain totally engaged for the entire day. Better, I had many emails thanking me for the session, suggesting Jim had changed their outlook on life and ideas about future careers. The energy and motivation in the office is noticeable and envied by others.” 

— Senior partner, Deloitte

“Participants explicitly complimented Jim on his ability to keep the audience engaged and energy levels high while being able to share his profound knowledge and expertise on business performance. Jim brings in exercises in a timely and effortless manner with the right dose of humour and cutting-edge content”. 

— Director, DNVGL Energy

“I can always count on Jim to be the highlight of my annual, four-day leadership development conference. I’ve hired Jim for four conferences in a row and he is always the highest rated presenter in a talented field. My leaders really connect with Jim’s message – brain science, peak performance, inspirational leadership and even a little magic!”

— Senior manager, Compass Group

Routes to business success

From keynote speeches to executive development masterclasses, Jim Steele brings the research and science of HP Lab to life. Academic gatherings, client conferences, product launches, leadership offsites and kickoff meetings focus on the fusion of wellbeing and peak performance to make you and your teams better, smarter and stronger.

Keynote speeches

A seasoned international speaker, Jim’s keynote speeches inspire high performance in leaders and their teams. Whether you’re seeking support with leadership impact, team alignment, management development, employee engagement and motivation, resilience or any area of performance improvement, Jim delivers a tailored, engaging and inspiring experience for your audience.

Executive development masterclasses

Customised leadership transformation courses that go beyond theoretical training, designed for leaders and high potential employees. Jim’s masterclasses translate the latest developments in performance psychology and neuroscience into actionable leadership development and high performance team building.

Face-to-face and virtual workshops supported by executive coaching, the latest psychometric profiling tools and a digital learning programme created in collaboration with the University of British Columbia.

A sample of the many clients Jim has worked with

Speaker pack / press kit

See speaker pack / press kit

See Jim in action